CTA Releases 10-point Action Plan to Address National Truck Safety and Compliance

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Published by cantruck.ca, July 10, 2018 —
The Canadian Trucking Alliance (CTA) believes the actions of the individual driver charged for the Humboldt tragedy should not be treated in isolation. Instead, when the findings of the carrier audit are released, the trucking industry, governments and safety stakeholders across Canada should use the facts surrounding the events of April 6 as a catalyst to finally deal with a small segment of the trucking industry that chooses not to adhere to safety regulations.
The Alliance also applauded today’s announcement by the Government of Alberta regarding mandatory entry level training for commercial drivers in the province and developing entry requirements for new commercial carriers.
Consequently, CTA today released its Ten Point Action Plan which highlights how government and industry can work together on improving compliance issues like hours of service, distracted driving, sobriety, carrier evaluation programs along with training and technology recommendations.
Click here for CTA’s 10-Point Action Plan: CTA 10 Point Action Plan Truck Safety_public
Read more at cantruck.ca.