dōTERRA® Recognizes CCLS Calgary Campus With Fulfillment Center Of The Year Award

The CCLS Calgary Campus has been awarded the dōTERRA 2022 Mid-size North America Fulfillment Center of the Year. The CCLS team excelled in servicing dōTERRA and their wellness advocates by reaching the highest ranking in several tracked categories. These include Cost per Order, Orders per Personal Hour, Order Dwell Time, and Order Volume. The team was ranked 2nd in the category of Units per Personal hour. It was also noted that the CCLS Calgary team also excels in inventory accuracy and responsiveness.
Neil Kearsley, Director of Fulfillment, dōTERRA, presented the team with the award. “It was clear to me that the operation and the team culture is a big part of Calgary’s success.”
Since 2015, CCLS (Canada Cartage Logistics Solutions) has provided storage, handling and transportation for dōTERRA. Headquartered in Salt Lake City, Utah, dōTERRA® International is an integrative health and wellness company and the world leader in the Global Aromatherapy and Essential Oils market. dōTERRA sources, tests, manufactures and distributes CPTG Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade® essential oils and essential oil products to over eight million dōTERRA Wellness Advocates and customers.
To learn more about our fulfillment and distribution services in Canada, visit CCLS (Canada Cartage Logistics Solutions).