Canada Cartage’s Partnership with Innovation Factory Continues to Flourish

Hamilton, ON – The Innovation Factory is a government-sponsored centre in Hamilton, Ontario that helps start-up companies and technology firms to innovate and grow their business. Innovation Factory has a special focus on working with technology companies to develop software that will enhance the flow of traffic in and around urban areas.
Since January of 2019, Canada Cartage has been working with the Innovation Factory on a number of projects and concepts. This relationship has introduced Canada Cartage to many technology companies who are working on leading edge concepts that will help us in the future.
The first concept being developed is artificial intelligence software that could help predict when a truck will break down beforehand, preventing a driver and customer load from being stranded. The second concept is being developed by a Master’s student at McMaster University as a part of their thesis. Using anonymous GPS data, and mapping velocity and acceleration, the student is able to model a “heat map” for different patterns of driving behaviour. By using speed and acceleration data, the student is testing a hypothesis to determine the chances of a driver being in an accident. The goal would be to evaluate past driving behaviour, and to identify drivers who need coaching, thus eliminating mistakes to keep the roads safer.
“We are proud to be able to work both on a development side, as well as supporting academia by providing support and data,” says Andrew Cree, Chief Information Officer at Canada Cartage. “It’s been a great experience for the IT team to work with industry experts and students alike. This project allows our teams to continually develop and grow: not only in the transportation industry, but the IT industry as well.”