Canada Cartage Launches 4DX 2.0 in 2019

In 2018, Canada Cartage introduced a new program, the Four Disciplines of Execution (4DX), to all employees. The 4DX program, developed by Franklin Covey, teaches organizations how to expertly focus on “wildly important goals” (WIGs), and then sets up teams and weekly commitments to execute these goals.
Last year, Canada Cartage focused on some key initiatives, including reducing engine idle and improving driver satisfaction. In running this program, Canada Cartage experienced savings in diesel fuel, engine maintenance, and improved driver satisfaction.
With this success, Canada Cartage has decided to continue the 4DX program in 2019 to ensure a cadence of accountability and to have the company as a whole focused on the same corporate initiatives. Focusing on the company’s’ WIGs will continue to improve the way Canada Cartage operates, which in turn will help our customers.