Canada Cartage Driver Tops in Ontario

Brampton, ON – Kevin Bradshaw, from Canada Cartage’s Ontario Home Delivery team, competed in the Ontario Truck Driving Championship in September, and took home a lot of hardware.
By means of a written test, an obstacle course and a truck inspection, Kevin represented Canada Cartage in the straight truck category. Kevin scored perfect on his pre-trip inspection, placed first in the straight truck driver category, and earned the highest points overall in the event, making him the Grand Champion.
“I couldn’t do this without the support of Canada Cartage and our team,” says Kevin, “I am proud of this and very excited to share this honour with Canada Cartage!”
Kudos poured in for Kevin on his stellar performance:
Gord Karpf, National Director, Safety, Compliance, and Customs congratulated Kevin. “You continually represent Canada Cartage very well! Thank you for your effort in this!”
“On behalf of the entire Home Depot Direct-to-Home East team, CONGRATULATIONS on your crowning as Grand Champion at the Ontario Truck Driving Championship!, “said Mark Phippard, Director, Home Delivery Solutions, “You clearly demonstrated your driving talent and keen eye on attention on winning this. Well done!”
Jeff Lindsay, President and CEO also passed on his congratulations. “Congrats Kevin! What an awesome representation of Canada Cartage. Thank you!”